Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 13, 2015 - Range of Motion is Back - I Can Move! I Can Move!

I am so very happy! I regained my range of motion in both of my arms today! So as in the pictures above, it is up, up and up and it feels sooo good! I can now hang clothes in the closet and reach items on the top shelf in the cupboards! So I guess I have "milked" my situation long enough and should start helping Ricky with the housework! lol. I will wait and start that tomorrow though! lol. It has been 4.5 weeks since my double mastectomy and I am now five days out from my first chemotherapy session. I return for my third post-op surgeon visit next week and I feel Dr. Turk will be lifting all strength training exercise restrictions on me! I have always been active and exercise has always been a part of who "I" am and I have NO plans of letting cancer take that away from me! The main reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy and I plan to take exercise right along on the journey with me! I have always said baby steps become big steps, one block becomes two blocks, two blocks become a mile and miles become marathons!
Photos were taken by Ricky today as I was "posing" and being silly! He is so supportive and even said to me "the sky is your limit with me." All is good. 

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