A part of setting up camp was to find a place for my sign. I thought of the comment I once heard, "build a Walmart and they will come" and an idea was hatched! We taped it to the front windshield alongside of the "light up" tree of life! Boy oh boy did it get attention! I would watch as people would approach the sign "squinting and reading" and every single persons face exploded into the biggest and broadest heartfelt smile! It was then that I realized that a sincere thought in the heart will always trigger a smile! The sign was a win-win for everyone and is now a part of my journey souvenir collection.
The "tree of life" was always lit up and shining at night time for everyone to enjoy.
The first day of the trip brought a small leak from the washer/dryer combo but Ricky had that repaired lickety-split! People who know Ricky also knows that he can fix anything!
A "man and his dog." Boo-Boo definitely knows his Master Ricky can do anything!
This is one of the many clean and well groomed walkways to the beach!
It is such a great place to walk, ride bicycles and stay active while enjoying the company of fellow campers!
It's also a great place to sniff! lol.
This is one of the many towers for bird and alligator watching or just taking a moment to sit and admire the surroundings.
Atalaya Castle is also in the park and is opened daily. It was built in 1931-1933 and was the former oceanfront winter home for Anna and Archer Huntington. I highly recommend visiting the castle and learning about the Huntington's and the history of Atalaya!
Lots of walking and beautiful scenery here!
We spotted this guy having his own fun! RVers love to be active and have a stress free life!
This was given to me by Cancer Services of Gaston County. The jar contains notes of inspiration and motivation written by different cancer patients. I read one each morning so of course the jar traveled with us! This is another ministry in itself I have found on this journey. This would actually be a great idea to make and give to someone who is in a "situation" that may need encouraging. My jar contains a combination of scripture verses, positive sayings and encouraging random thoughts. I love my jar!
Once again we came into the park as strangers and left as friends with so many nice people. The "sign" opened up so many conversations with others who either had cancer or knew someone with cancer. We are leaving here so happy remembering all of the smiles and the thumbs up from so many people, young and old. There are faces and stories we will always remember and we know our paths crossed for a reason. Life and people are good. Relax and enjoy both. This trip was definitely a number 10!